
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Failure is Simply the Opportunity to Begin Again...."

No one likes to read something when someone continually fails or never makes any progress. I know I would not. Granted, I have read many blogs where that is the exact case and well, to be honest, you get bored reading them. Sure they are nice people and I understand all about failure; however, it is not inspiring, it is not engaging, it is discouraging to read that person not able to overcome the problem of eating too much, exercising too little over and over again for months.

But that is me.

I start and am motivated and then struggle. 6 months later or more and I am in the exact same spot. Weight the same. Look the same. Run the same.

Change is here though.

I have already lost about 4 pounds. Not much, but enough to see that I might actually stick with it. I also am tracking my food on a daily basis, taking a multivitamin everyday as well as change how I approach my main form of exercise: running.

I am now running according to my heart rate. As of today, it is VERY slow and can be annoying to be feeling good, breathing great only to see that your heart rate has now jumped up above your target heart rate. But, even though I have been at it for about three weeks now, I am starting to see some progress. I am running much more and my times are slowly, slowly creeping down. Huge emphasis on the slow though.

In a year, I want to be able to have some sort of a flat stomach, some sort of abs (yes, we all have abs everyone does even the 600 pound people, but they are not showing through our fat), and develop connections with others in this journey.

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